sunday musings

weekly training
Monday: 4 mile run – race with an armadillo; 100 Pushups Challenge Day 1
Tuesday: bikram yoga with bff R (her first yoga class EVER)
Wednesday: evening easy run and pushups day 2
Thursday: rest
Friday: pushups day 3 and interesting treadmill tempo worked out (complained on twitter…yadda yadda yadda)
Saturday: walked a mile around the World Showcase, blood orange margarita in hand? (that counts for cardio AND strength, right?)
Sunday: 4 mile fartlek run

I’m starting to get nervous about marathon training, which I like to think is a good thing. It lets me know that I’m taking it seriously and it is a big deal to me. My knee is flaring up, so it was back to running with the brace on, and I’m icing and typing right now (what a multitasker). But all of my forseeable Saturdays remaining for 2012 will be spent in the long run. Ahhh, mental prep.

I spent some time doing some Pinterest cooking this week as well, making freezer/make ahead meals, and I couldn’t be gladder I did. I have breakfast burritos, cilantro lime and bean burrito (a mix of this and this), and oatmeal cookie pancakes on hand. Really simple, and really minimal time commitment for me. I think I will probably do this every other week, since I don’t terribly mind eating the same thing over and over again. If I had been thinking, I would have taken photos. Instead, you just have to trust me that my mushroom, spinach, veggie crumble, egg and cheese breakfast burrito is PRETTY awesome.

Summer Running Streak starts tomorrow! Are you gonna be streaking with us?

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